I always wondered why somebody doesn’t do anything about that? Then I realized that I was somebody.

Anya Fenn


Kalki Subramaniam

Edison, New Jersey. Pollachi, India


Anya Fenn


Aruna Rao


Anvi Fenn


“The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty of the bad people but the silence over that by the good people”. I am Anya Fenn, and these words by Dr. Martin Luther King resonate loudly as we listen to the third part of the conversation between Kalki and Aruna about the need for allyship for desi LGBTQ people in India and the US. The Black Lives Matter movement in the US, the striking down by the Indian Supreme Court of Act 377 criminalizing homosexuality, and official recognition of a third gender in India by the same court have forced the privileged and those in power to realize that they must step up and get involved. It starts with awareness and education. Why be a better ally? How to become a better ally? It’s not only in Board Rooms and Government Offices, allyship for inclusion and acceptance starts at home, among family. Let’s listen to how Kalki and Aruna build allyships.

Aruna Rao

Edison, New Jersey. Pollachi, India

Kalki Subramaniam

Edison, New Jersey. Pollachi, India