Healing the Birth and Earth...

Ankita Apte

Tapasya Maitrey Kulkarni



Ankita Apte


Ankita Apte


Ankita Apte


In this last episode, Tapasya talks about her journey from being a busy twin mom to being a full time midwife and a radical promoter of natural birth and her philosophy behind this journey. We hear this so often that motherhood is the most beautiful period of a woman’s life and it completes her. And hence, this period must come to an equally beautiful end, and not with the pain that follows an unnecessarily unnatural delivery. All those midwifes, doulas, Dais, traditional birth assistants who are working in this field facing all the adversities, like Tapasya herself, are the ones who make this a peaceful, beautiful and a place worth living in. Because as Jeannine Parvati Baker perfectly says, “Peace on earth begins with birth.”

Ankita Apte


Tapasya Maitrey Kulkarni
